Stuff 'n' Junk

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Yeah I know, I know - the writing is too small and it's kinda hard to read (at least on a decent screen resolution, let alone something silly like Aaron's...) but I at least got the pics up there in some sort of somewhat readable format. It'll do.

I guess this can be put forward in the court of life as proof that I not only suck at drawing, but I also suck at blogging.

Anywho... yay me! Tony and Grieg are the greatest comic characters ever!

Now all I need is a manman tribute...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Old Time's Sake...

I was telling Pip about the comic strip I used to draw, and how it was SUPPOSED to be funny when I came up with the idea, and my punchlines were always written with the INTENTION of humour, but every comic I drew was just depressing and soul-shattering.

And with those thoughts in mind, and my current unemployed (seemingly unemployable) state at the moment, it seemed fitting to perhaps revisit those two 'crazy cats', Tony and Grieg.

To my mind, this is the funniest punchline I ever came up with for Grieg. Or for Tony either, for that matter...

Funny stuff... relatively speaking.

Fuck this fucking weather!


And what not else.

Anywho... Off to Job Search Training. Etc.

Might get a job, though. Never know... That''d be good, right?



Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Just a thought...

Did you ever wonder if there would still be wars and armies and tanks and guns and situations like this one in Lebanon if people weren't so easily led?

If Adolf Hitler got up today in Australia and began yelling about how the Jews had ruined our economy and our great nation, and how he plans to fix it and make Australia proud and wealthy again, would we all shout 'Hurrah!' and vote for him? Would we all pick up guns and go off to war to fight against sanity and equality?

You'd probably say no, but I'm not convinced. I think a charismatic leader (especially one who actually gets results and makes our economy strong) would easily lead our nation to war and insanity.

And not just our nation; pretty much any nation.

People are just too easily led. You agree, don't you? Come on, do what I say. Now let's go do what I think is best.



Here's a thought: how about you think for yourself? Just like I told you to...

Furtheros Blandos

Just as an addition to my recent post about coincidental language differences; we noticed this morning that if Pip says "Poop!" over and over again, Oscar gets all excited and worked up. He seems to think it's fantastic!

I have absolutely no idea what he thinks she's saying...

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Evil Post

That last post was post 66. It doesn't get much more evil than that for another 600 posts.


Yeah, ok. I'm bored.

Blogos Blandos

So I was told (admittedly by an unreliable source) that "Caramelos Blandos" means "Small Candies" in Spanish.

Isn't it odd, sometimes, the ironic coincidences?

I mean, picture the scenario:

Two countries are at war.

The two countries have their own languages.

The leaders of the two countries meet, to try to sort out peace.

The two leaders speak each other's languages, but not very well.

Coincidentally, in one of the languages the words for "I'm sorry. Let us be at peace." happen to sound almost identical to "You are a smelly dog kisser. May you rot in the ground where your whore of a mother spent her old age fornicating." in the OTHER language.

Well.... things might not go very smoothly at all now, might they?

Wait... that's no good...

Did you ever wonder...?

I started thinking this morning. I'd never done it before. Haha.

Sorry, just a little ambiguous english humour there...

But anywho...

I was thinking about other people's point of view. It's funny how we can all essentially (presumably) feel ok about ourselves, and yet there is potential to feel such strong feelings towards other people of anger, disappointment, sadness, outrage and what not else. If we all think we're essentially 'doing a good job', shouldn't that mean we all think everyone ELSE is 'essentially doing a good job'?

But it doesn't!

People (even very like minded people) have very differing ideas on what constitutes 'doing a good job', and I suppose this is what creates the differences of opinion.

But this wasn't my point, it was just a background for your reading 'interest' *rolls eyes*

It got me to thinking about other people I've been very angry at, and one in particular.

For privacy reasons, let's call her Janet S.

No, wait. That's too obvious. Let's call her J. Shariglazov.

Ok. So it got me thinking about Janet.

Here's a woman who was willing to lie under oath in front of my face in order to try to scam me out of justice. A woman who was rude, condescending, bad tempered, unprofessional, mean, nasty... ok I'm getting personal now, but you get my point. She did nothing to help me in the housing situation into which her negligence had landed me. She was stressful and hard to approach and frustrating at best to deal with. She told me (when I asked for my bond back) that I was paranoid, had a chip on my shoulder, and that I just thought everyone was out to get me. She told me I was such a lousy tenant she had refused to contact me out of spite, regarding my bond.

To summarise; she is not someone I consider to be 'essentially doing a good job'.

But when you start to look at HER point of view, maybe it's not really all that bad. I mean, I don't have much evidence with which to construct an image of her home life, but I can try and at least create an example of what I'm trying to say here. (Christ I babble on.)

Ok. So Janet. Oops. Ms. S. (ahem) is a Property Manager. She has this job because her husband bought an LJ Hooker franchise. The two of them (presumably) run the business together. Janet takes care of rental tenants and her husband (presumably) does what he considers to be more important and financially benefial tasks.

Janet gets stuck between a parsimonious rock (her tight-arse husband), and a tight-arse hard place (the parsimonious landlords). Tenants come to her and say 'this needs fixing, that needs fixing.' etc. Janet tries to get things done but she's managing a lot (two words. ahem. not a lot of words. ahem ahem. Pip. ahem) of properties and it takes time to contact all sorts of holidaying jerk-offs who don't wanna know about how they are expected to pay for things. Her husband (I can only imagine) tells her 'don't worry about it. tenants are scum. fuck them' etc. Well... hopefully she doesn't do that... but anyway... argh...

So she gets stressed. She was never cut out for this business world anyway. All she ever wanted to do was drive her Lexus to Burnside Village and drink coffee with the Perm Brigade; her lovely cafe set group of snobby friends. The Burnside Wives. etc.

Then, presumably in my case from what I can gather, her husband organises a rental property (which has a list of problems longer than an above average appendage belonging to a certain gender of our species) through a personal friend of his, business associates or whatever, and tells her to rent it without telling anyone it's falling down.

I, aka ME move in, and complain about it. Her husband says 'don't bother my friends with this bullshit. we told you, tenants are scum. tell them it's fine and not our responsibility' etc. Janet (oops, slipped out again) tries. She says 'But darling munchkin face, it IS our responsibility! We need to...' but he cuts her off with condescending pleasantries such as 'There there little boo boo wrinkle perm. Let the MEN worry about important things hey? You just do what you're told like a good trophy wife.' Then he goes off to hump his secretary, who is probably a young man.

And it just gets worse. I take her to the tribunal about it, and arrive with friends in support, and when she says to her husband that night 'will you come with me and help sort this out darling?' he says 'no dear I have IMPORTANT things to do. You tell that scumbag that we won't give him a damn dollar. Tell the tribunal what an awful tenant he's been and he's just trying to get money out of us because he's a leech. You'll see. It'll all disappear. I'm going to play golf all day.' By which he means gang bang his 17 year old step daughter with a group of his elderly rich men associates.

Ok I'm going too far here, but I'm still making a point.

Janet shows up with specific instructions to say nothing and pay nothing, and she's utterly alone. She sees me in my $6000 pants, and she thinks "Come on!"

...or such... :-/

I got away with that one, right..?


I think my point is that she is probably a very sad and lonely lady who really didn't want to be in the situation in the first place, and despite having a bunch of flaws and being somewhat selfish and rude, she's really only doing her best given the circumstances. And who can say they aren't guilty of being somewhat selfish or rude at times?

I kinda feel bad for her, but perhaps people in loveless marriages should divorce.

Or at least cheat.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Thinking randomly thinking... randomly...

If you could swap lives and perspectives (and / or bodies) with anyone in the world, who would it be? Why? And even more - would you? What do you think might be the outcome of an experience like that? There would probably be some pretty serious eye-opening situations and perspectives... you might come to realise that people see you very differently than you see yourself... or you might just come to see the world in a different way. But what if you came to notice that things you've taken for granted as part of what you see as "life" is wrong.. or just, different... it might completely change your view of the world... and life... and yourself.
It might ruin everything you thought you knew. It might make you doubt yourself and everyone else for the rest of your life.

Or... maybe it would change all the doubts you have. Maybe it would take away any type of doubt you ever had. I mean... how long are we talking here? One day? A week? A year? If you were "gone" too long, you might become somewhat "lost" and be disorientated when trying to return. So... let's say one day. How much can change in one day? There are lyrics which go (I believe) something along the lines of "what a difference a day makes..." and we've all (at least should've if not) seen Run Lola, Run... but seriously, can an event which lasts only one day really change your life? Obviously, we could say that someone being killed or paralysed in an accident would go through a life changing event which would take only minutes, or even seconds... so obviously there ARE things that will change your life in a short period of time... but could something like this.. something that is really only psychological... something to do only with your perspective... could it change your life so dramatically?

Assuming it could...

And assuming you go through with this kind of experiment...

You become someone else for 24 hours.

Perhaps you come to realise that other people have it tougher, or less tough, or just the same as you have it... you might see that EVERYONE is a little frail sometimes, a little strong sometimes, a little smart and a little dumb... you might just stop wondering... stop doubting... and just get on and do what you always hoped you could do but always worried that you couldn't...

But then, they say that an angry, bitter man who wins a million dollars will just be an angry, bitter RICH man... a leopard doesn't change it's spots and you can't teach an old dog new tricks... etc...

So doesn't it follow, then, that no matter what we go through, we will just keep being who we are already being, because that is what we really want, and that is why we are being that person?

Couldn't it be true, then, that there was absolutely no point to this entire spiel...? This randomly generated collection of text might be like, well not a million monkeys, perhaps just one monkey, on one keyboard, writing random words and coming up with the works of just that one monkey...

Anyone else prefer Shakespeare...?