Just a thought...
Did you ever wonder if there would still be wars and armies and tanks and guns and situations like this one in Lebanon if people weren't so easily led?
If Adolf Hitler got up today in Australia and began yelling about how the Jews had ruined our economy and our great nation, and how he plans to fix it and make Australia proud and wealthy again, would we all shout 'Hurrah!' and vote for him? Would we all pick up guns and go off to war to fight against sanity and equality?
You'd probably say no, but I'm not convinced. I think a charismatic leader (especially one who actually gets results and makes our economy strong) would easily lead our nation to war and insanity.
And not just our nation; pretty much any nation.
People are just too easily led. You agree, don't you? Come on, do what I say. Now let's go do what I think is best.
Here's a thought: how about you think for yourself? Just like I told you to...
If Adolf Hitler got up today in Australia and began yelling about how the Jews had ruined our economy and our great nation, and how he plans to fix it and make Australia proud and wealthy again, would we all shout 'Hurrah!' and vote for him? Would we all pick up guns and go off to war to fight against sanity and equality?
You'd probably say no, but I'm not convinced. I think a charismatic leader (especially one who actually gets results and makes our economy strong) would easily lead our nation to war and insanity.
And not just our nation; pretty much any nation.
People are just too easily led. You agree, don't you? Come on, do what I say. Now let's go do what I think is best.
Here's a thought: how about you think for yourself? Just like I told you to...
At 17:05,
Alex said…
You'd probably say no, but I'm not convinced. I think a charismatic leader (especially one who actually gets results and makes our economy strong) would easily lead our nation to war and insanity
HELLOOOO... John Howard anybody? He started off charismatic and said all the right things, then by the time any realised he was full of shit, he led our nation to war, slapped us with more taxes and took away our workers rights... I thin he fits the bill.
At 20:31,
Arithon said…
hehe I'd tend to argue that John Howard is about as far from charismatic as it gets - he's more of a bootlicker to another far-from-charismatic leader (one who happens to be a power-hungry lunatic) who is leading HIS nation (and the rest of us) to war. John Howard, to my memory, was voted in because he was the lesser of two evils in the eyes of Australians, and he's stayed that way for the entirety of his term thus far.
But thanks for the comments - I was starting to think nobody read my crap anymore!
At 10:54,
Pablo said…
I don't read your crap.
But on the subject of Hitler...
Ever noticed that Hitler and Jesus Christ are very similar?
They were both exceedingly charismatic, they both made the current situation look far worse than the current situation elsewhere (in Jesus' case, Earth vs heaven, in Hitler's case, Germany vs other countries), they both promised a better life for the people... there are other parallels but Iam too drunk to write them.
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