Stuff 'n' Junk

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Quick thought...

Did it ever occur to you that there is only a simple, mono-syllabic linguistic (phonetic) difference between the words 'homie' and 'homo'...

I think there's something in that for all of us, don't you...?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Do you dare? We could stare... at the fair... where..? etc

I've tried to many times to make you see my point of view but every time I open my heart you just close your eyes. And I think if you say one more thing I'll have to punch you in the mouth and scream until my voice breaks and my eyes fall out. Bleeding from your ears well I'm just bleeding out my ass and the hurt is really nothing next to frustration. If I have to say it one more time I'll fucking lose my mind. Please don't tell me that I'm angry I don't care.
Fair. Whoever said that life is fucking fair. I don't know why it matters so much but every time I get so down and I don't want to care. Fair? You call this mother fucking fair? This life is crushing out my soul I'm tearing out my hair!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New Blog?

When the hell did that happen?

Weird, man.

So far, using the online tools, there seems no difference.

My theory is that the rest of it will be no different, but when one company takes over another, they like to suck all the old users in...

How the hell is everyone??

I've been comicking... good times. :-) If I can find a way, I'll upload some. I guess it depends how much "better" this "new" blog is...

umm... so what's new with me?


I'm boring myself.

I'll look into posting comics :-)

Ciao for now