Stuff 'n' Junk

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'm feeling very poetic lately. Probably inspired by the fact that I am currently reading W. Somerset Maugham's Of Human Bondage.
I'm still struggling through ups and downs. Kinda weird. But it seems I'm improving slowly. Or maybe quickly, compared to the progress I've made for the last 30 years!
I had an idea today about the bleakness of this winter. It occurred to me, as I stepped off the bus, that my life has been hard, of late.
I've been trying to achieve a great deal of things, and everywhere I turn there are more obstacles.
Life is always like that I think. But somehow I've felt a little like Christopher Gardner.
Greatly exaggerated, of course, but nonetheless, I've struggled to improve my 'lot'.
It suddenly occurred to me that my progress seems to be in time with the seasons, and maybe, come summer, I will finally be where (and who) I want to be.
And so on and so forth.
rant Ramble = Preamble/rant


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