Stuff 'n' Junk

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Yin and Yang?

Everyone sucks.

But then again, everyone kinda rules, too.

As people, we judge each other based upon moments; individual little events; snippets, if you will, in our lives.

But we don't EXIST in snippets. We exist as some kind of never-ending monologue; the screenplay in our heads.

So we judge each other, all the while acting in ways which cause them to judge us in return.

Why? Because we think "Given my current circumstances and my current mood, doing that to someone is just unforgiveable!" but the reality is that this other person has probably experienced something horrible and while they don't really MEAN to, they are taking it out on you. And vice-versa.

O.K I'm simplifying. But the simple fact is that not many people are really all that bad, stupid, mean, rude, or pig-headed; and at the same time, not many people are really as smart, attractive, talented, or confident as maybe we think they are.

Things, as they say, are never as they seem.

Until next time... eatin' the pudding.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Hey Mish...

... you SUCK!

Monday, October 17, 2005

A well overdue rant

Well FUCK ME if it isn't nearly the END OF THE YEAR already! And about bloody time, too!
Sorry, I'm a bit STRESSED OUT right now, and I feel like WRITING IN CAPITALS is just about the ONLY THING that can really express this feeling adequately.
I'm about ready to KILL some people at work, but then again life's been less and less stressful there as things are getting organised, and I'm kinda finding my feet there and FUCK OFF who the FUCK CARES?! Why the FUCK am I writing about BORING DAILY TEDIUM?!

Are you WATCHING that clock tick by? Twelve o'clock today means it's been TWENTY FUCKING FOUR HOURS SINCE THE SAME TIME YESTERDAY! Do you KNOW how many hours in the average lifespan of a human being in this country? STOP WASTING THEM!!!!

What do you want? GO GET IT! FUCKING HELL I hate you all so much!

I'm bored of you. What about ME? What do I want?!

I'm sick and tired of the way people in this retarded society talk about options and freedoms and openmindedness when every single institution in existance wears blinkers of the most unbreakable kind and the very foundation upon which today's lifestyle is built undermines any possibility of anyone LIVING in a way which is OUTSIDE OF ITS TINY INFRASTRUCTURE OF ACCEPTABILITY!

I don't WANT some shitty job, working days, sleeping nights, taking weekends off and two weeks a year on holiday, saving up enough to buy a house... and I admit I'd LIKE a house of my own, and a car and fuck knows what else... I like possessions as much as the next moronic, brainless idiot like you... but FUCK! Where is the infrastructure for someone who wishes to study the ways of wisdom? Who wishes to ponder the infinite and discover the possibilities lying deep within the human mind?
Right? Wrong? And what do these mean? Are they anything more than a construct of our united moral values, created by and which in turn help to shape our laws? Is there any such thing as 'evil'?
Our largely christian descended mentality is a blight upon our mental and emotional wellbeing and the sooner most people come to realise that, the better for all of us.
Of course, this is taking for granted a belief I've had for most of my life and which I now believe to be entirely INCORRECT and FALSE: that the problem with society is education, not mentality.
See, I've always thought that people aren't dumb, they're just led badly and educated badly, leading to bad thinking patterns; but now I believe that to be a bunch of bull crap. You're all hopeless morons who would rather eat mental SHIT than actually THINK and let the programming of our rich 'conformist enforcing' media operators lead our minds to thinking a certain way... a way which is bad, harmful to every part of all of us, and leads ultimately to a retarded world... oh hey, say for example, like this one.

FUCK YOU! If i cared more about you I guess I'd hate you, but hey, I don't.

I do, however, care about me, and I'm pretty mad that I've let my life go so slowly and blindly and lived under a cloud of self doubt, confusion and insecurity.
Maybe I was poorly led, but that's the same excuse I've been giving to all of you and hell, you don't deserve it, so neither do I, because let's face it, I'm smarter than you.
So hell - I'm a jackass, it's MY fault, and if i want to be able to respect myself in the morning, I'd better do something about it.



Saturday, October 08, 2005

REVIEW: Jonathon Kellerman - RAGE

*Random muttering about being constrained to 200 words - slightly satisfied grunt about making it EXACTLY 200 words*

Two boys murder a two year old, completely unprovoked. They are both convicted and imprisoned, and end up murdered themselves. Psychologist Alex Delaware and his police associate Milo Sturgis investigate why, and their discoveries become more disturbing at every stage.
I have to say, detective novels bore me. What’s more, this book is filled with terrible typing errors and grammatical mistakes and I hate that! Any first year Magill student could and would edit better.
Hell, a 10 year old with a decent grasp of English should do better.
So imagine my surprise to find myself thoroughly enjoying this book!
Jonathon Kellerman releases his information slowly, but not too slowly. He keeps you wanting more, and the real hook is the central characters, Milo and Alex. They’re so damn likeable. The scenes shift between Alex’s work and home life in a detached way that leaves the reader thinking of as Alex a caring man who’s seen too much horror to properly ‘feel’ anymore, which is probably true.
I finished the book still wanting more, which was the last flaw; I like to feel satisfied by a conclusion.
Overall: very, very good, but would be great with a little polish.