Shawwy Dan...
Hehe I'm sorry I hurted your feelings, beardy-o my ol' pal. But let's face it; you already knew me and loved me! So you HAD to welcome me, but I was faced with a family I didn't know... poor Beardy-beard. You know I luv ya!
Beijous beijous e tchou tchou!!!
Beijous beijous e tchou tchou!!!
At 06:14,
Anonymous said…
So I JUST found this site, and only cause I was waiting for some liquid paper to dry. YES liquid paper. Don't frickin laugh.
I'm just pissed I missed the chance to help Bretski commit Seppuku.
And by 'help' I mean slash his belly open FOR him before decapitation, while he was sleeping. But then the coroner would see that his eyes were open at point of death, then read that pile o crap post and also commit seppuku. HAH this would then leave me free to erm....hmmm.
Brettski ur lucky u don't have a lavish estate to which I am the single heir. VERY lucky.
Welll liquid paper should be dry,
PG Out
At 18:49,
Anonymous said…
Um... what?
(That, I suppose, is directedboth at the weird weird weird post and at PG's unadulterated insanity.)
At 07:43,
blank slate said…
You know, SS, I can call you SS right? (It's best to say I can, ESPECIALLY if it annoys you, as I'll probably stop doing it after a couple of times. But make a big deal about how you HATE being called SS and well, I'll constantly do it and ridicule you for making a big deal out of it.)
ANYWAY I've had a bit of a random look round these here parts, largely cause I’m a massive procrastinator and should be writing a report that’s due Monday, and well, I like commas, I believe El Pablo pointed THAT one out long time ago, anyway maybe I just hit on a misrepresentative sample and all but.....
It does seem a little down.
That one line paragraph above was a lot stronger initially but I figured you’re a sensitive dude SirShorn (see sick of SS already) and besides which its impolite to trash people out....too much...on their own blogs.
Of course your road trip post was more on the optimistic side but even then you used the words ‘epiphanous’ (Which is only a word by the PG standards: ie if it wasn’t a word before, it IS now.) and ‘marry’ in a post about Mt Gambier for crying out loud! Ah so perhaps I’m saying there’s just a hint of overanalysing here. And there’s more then enough 19th century literature (GOD did they spend that ENTIRE century over-analysing shit or what?!) out there to prove that over analysis will inevitably lead to depression*.
Even when your trying to over analyse a GOOD thing, the result, in a while, will be the same, as over analysis of a good thing generally creates unrealistic expectations, which leads again to depression when those expectations are inevitably not met.
So why am I pointing this out here when Chuckles could at times be accused of the same thing? Well with Chuck being related to Audrey and all she’s got an excuse to be depressed. :) Having plans to move, in February, into a nice empty house with a pool rent free, turn into moving into a granny flat in April with one’s brother as a flatmate can’t be too good for the flow of Qi either.
Anyway for now the El Shorno seems to be a happy camper so I won’t bother saying anything else. Like I said before, coulda just caught him at a bad time.
PG Out.
*PG does not mean CLINICALLY depressed when using the term depression or depressed.
At 02:10,
Anonymous said…
PG, arn't we over-analysing the post a wee bit??
At 02:37,
Anonymous said…
THERE'S NOTHING THERE TO ANALYSE!!!!!!!!!11eleven?!two
At 09:58,
Anonymous said…
Manman. Dude. That Fucking Sucks!!!! As for the moving in 6 months later, tell em to get stuffed. And in the odd chance they DO go overseas in 6 months Ill be sure to fleece the joint! Heh, that'll learn em.
And Pip I was analysing Shorn's entire collective blog based on a random sample of posts. Considering that, my write up was probably in proportion to the subject matter.
I could see how you would become confused though as it's fair to say that none of my posts in this comment section have ANYTHING to do with the current post on the blog.
I just chose this comments area cause it was at the top baby!
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