Stuff 'n' Junk

Friday, February 10, 2006


Sometimes things happen to you that make you think there's something important going on. Maybe a movie you watched, a conversation you had, or a song you listened to, or an event you witnessed.
You, ok me, find yourself thinking what else you could and should be doing with your life. You question the decisions you've made and start thinking what decisions you will make.
Unfortunately for me, I always let these moments go and forget about them.
So I'm here, like most of you, stuck in this rut we call Adelaide.
You might defend her, our noble and pacifistic home town, but I'm not really criticising her. I love Adelaide. I love her homliness, her gentle and unthreatening atmosphere, and the way I just know where I am when I'm here.
But as much as I love it here, I know it's a rut.
Geographically we are isolated.
Physically and logistically we are stuck with ageing construction and limited funds.
And worst of all, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, everyone here seems to be stuck in a holding pattern. We don't want to be different from the pack, so we just follow along every single week. The time just slips away and we stay the same.
And if anyone goes against the grain they are frightening, unlikeable, weird.
'Weird' is such a scary word to an Adelaidian, or so it seems to me.
Yet it is such a widely applied term it seems to apply to everyone, at some point or another.
The smothering blanket of impossibly all-consuming conformity frustrates me to the point of anger. But no one listens. No one understands.
No one even cares, because to them, this hopeless and endless attempt to be impossibly normal is what you call living. That and your endless, menial, day in day out sameness. This holding pattern.
So you all think I'm crazy, because it would seem I'm too big for this town.
But I love it here.
I love it and I don't want to leave.
I want to settle down and start a family and I want to be here to do it.
But maybe I just can't. Because maybe something needs to change for me that will never, ever change in adelaide.
Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and, whereever I decide to go, make sure I go.


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