Puke-mucus? Gross!
So I realised a few things about me over the last few days.
Firstly, I tend to think alot, and very creatively, when I'm hunched at the toilet waiting to vomit.
Secondly, I'm strangely happy at the moment, in that I'm just coasting along, waiting to see where this ride is going to take me. I don't really care where it's going to take me, but I think if I end up somewhere crap I'll be angry at myself for being so slack all year.
I've never been that way before, but oh well.
So one of the things I thought about while waiting to vomit was the incredibly unpleasant sensation of 'puke-mucus'. See, I had vomit stuck in the back of my nose where I couldn't get it out, and it was really burning and irritating my throat. So, in some way comforting to me at the time, I thought of a term for it. Puke-mucus. Ya know, when you blow your nose and you get this bile/snot combination? Yeah.
Then I decided I want to start a punk band and call it Pukemucus. Or maybe Mucuspuke. But I think I like Pukemucus better.
Then, while sitting at the toilet, I started writing a punk song in my head. (Who hasn't? Punks can hardly read as it is, so how hard can it be to write for them?) I came up with two chord progressions and a vocal melody. I thought it just needed words but then I realised they're irrelevent. It was when I entered a third chord progression I thought maybe the song was becoming a bit too technical to be punk rock. But did I bail on my newest and most whimsical idea ever? NO! Not yet at least...
I thought to myself, perhaps I could make a new SUB-GENRE of punk, called PUKE! And PUKE ROCK could be almost EXACTLY THE SAME AS PUNK ROCK, BUT SLIGHTLY MORE TECHNICAL!
You know, much like how Heavy metal is exactly like power metal, only slightly less specific.
So now PUKEMUCUS has its first song. It's not called anything and it doesn't have any words, but I'm creating and redefining genres here, much like Beck, so fuck off. I can do what I want.
The last thing I learned was that if you are singing karaoke and you don't know the song at all, just do your impersonation of John Saffran and read the words in his bitchy, whiney and nasal tone. It will work. Trust me.
Firstly, I tend to think alot, and very creatively, when I'm hunched at the toilet waiting to vomit.
Secondly, I'm strangely happy at the moment, in that I'm just coasting along, waiting to see where this ride is going to take me. I don't really care where it's going to take me, but I think if I end up somewhere crap I'll be angry at myself for being so slack all year.
I've never been that way before, but oh well.
So one of the things I thought about while waiting to vomit was the incredibly unpleasant sensation of 'puke-mucus'. See, I had vomit stuck in the back of my nose where I couldn't get it out, and it was really burning and irritating my throat. So, in some way comforting to me at the time, I thought of a term for it. Puke-mucus. Ya know, when you blow your nose and you get this bile/snot combination? Yeah.
Then I decided I want to start a punk band and call it Pukemucus. Or maybe Mucuspuke. But I think I like Pukemucus better.
Then, while sitting at the toilet, I started writing a punk song in my head. (Who hasn't? Punks can hardly read as it is, so how hard can it be to write for them?) I came up with two chord progressions and a vocal melody. I thought it just needed words but then I realised they're irrelevent. It was when I entered a third chord progression I thought maybe the song was becoming a bit too technical to be punk rock. But did I bail on my newest and most whimsical idea ever? NO! Not yet at least...
I thought to myself, perhaps I could make a new SUB-GENRE of punk, called PUKE! And PUKE ROCK could be almost EXACTLY THE SAME AS PUNK ROCK, BUT SLIGHTLY MORE TECHNICAL!
You know, much like how Heavy metal is exactly like power metal, only slightly less specific.
So now PUKEMUCUS has its first song. It's not called anything and it doesn't have any words, but I'm creating and redefining genres here, much like Beck, so fuck off. I can do what I want.
The last thing I learned was that if you are singing karaoke and you don't know the song at all, just do your impersonation of John Saffran and read the words in his bitchy, whiney and nasal tone. It will work. Trust me.
At 23:24,
Arithon said…
nice yes absolutely. rock. rule. mucus. woot.
At 23:24,
Arithon said…
hey that site had nothing to do with puke mucus!
At 23:25,
Arithon said…
or gross for that matter either!
At 22:26,
Anonymous said…
I'm a little tea pot, short and stout.
Here is my handle, Here is my spout.
When i get all steamed up, hear me shout.
Tip me over, pour me out!!!!
At 02:53,
Anonymous said…
o... k
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