Yes. Women.
It had to come to this, you all know it. (Haha, "all". Well, zero is a plural, right? Anyway...)
Indeed the time has come for me to discuss the female gender. For I have been thinking alot about the subject lately, and I now have some thoughts to share.
You see women are fucked up. All of them, in various ways, to various degrees and levels. But never doubt that they are, in fact, fucked up.
Men often find frustration and anger in reaction to a female's behaviour because they expect sane, rational decisions and women do not make these often.
Haha. I love making sweeping statements without any proof or back-up information. Kim, I know you'll love that one. :P
Anyway... See I think that women have been putting up with men for too long, and now they actually expect us to be selfish jerks.
If you treat a woman with respect and consideration, in her mind that makes you a pussy. She will not be able to respect you because you treat her well. It's not that she doesn't want you to respect her, quite the opposite. It's just that it is so inbred into our society that men don't respect women that if you do, it is misinterpreted as weakness and women will therefore not respect you. And neither will men. If your male friends realise you respect a girl, they won't respect you either.
So this labels you as a pussy. Now to shake the pussy label, what you really need to do is to be an absolute jerk, especially to pretty girls that you actually really like.
This will work as a double bonus because they will like you more, and they won't hate you either, when you use them for sex and then ignore them the rest of the time. The crazy and most retarded thing about this is that they will actually respect you for being an asshole. It will be interpreted as strength, and strength is also a turn on for women.
So yay. The secret to a successful relationship for a guy is to be an asshole.
Depressed yet? I was, but then I decided I'd ignore any feeling ever generated by my heart and just bone anything and everything I can find.
It had to come to this, you all know it. (Haha, "all". Well, zero is a plural, right? Anyway...)
Indeed the time has come for me to discuss the female gender. For I have been thinking alot about the subject lately, and I now have some thoughts to share.
You see women are fucked up. All of them, in various ways, to various degrees and levels. But never doubt that they are, in fact, fucked up.
Men often find frustration and anger in reaction to a female's behaviour because they expect sane, rational decisions and women do not make these often.
Haha. I love making sweeping statements without any proof or back-up information. Kim, I know you'll love that one. :P
Anyway... See I think that women have been putting up with men for too long, and now they actually expect us to be selfish jerks.
If you treat a woman with respect and consideration, in her mind that makes you a pussy. She will not be able to respect you because you treat her well. It's not that she doesn't want you to respect her, quite the opposite. It's just that it is so inbred into our society that men don't respect women that if you do, it is misinterpreted as weakness and women will therefore not respect you. And neither will men. If your male friends realise you respect a girl, they won't respect you either.
So this labels you as a pussy. Now to shake the pussy label, what you really need to do is to be an absolute jerk, especially to pretty girls that you actually really like.
This will work as a double bonus because they will like you more, and they won't hate you either, when you use them for sex and then ignore them the rest of the time. The crazy and most retarded thing about this is that they will actually respect you for being an asshole. It will be interpreted as strength, and strength is also a turn on for women.
So yay. The secret to a successful relationship for a guy is to be an asshole.
Depressed yet? I was, but then I decided I'd ignore any feeling ever generated by my heart and just bone anything and everything I can find.
At 02:52,
Anonymous said…
At 23:05,
Anonymous said…
Awwww yeah.... can do!
Giggity giggity gig!
At 23:49,
Anonymous said…
Amongst all this angst is very little sense. Some girls like to be beaten up on because that is their way of increasing their already low self esteem, double negative. Some girls have high self esteem and therefore do not associate with mysoginists like you lot.The idea is therefor to change your own behaviour to one in which you can earn a girls respect and then the girl that responds to that will fuck the arse off you in return.
You just need to move in a different circle and not in the inner spiral you find yourself in.
She may also be able to cook but that is always an optional extra.
At 21:39,
Anonymous said…
my two cents is this:
A) women do not respect assholes, the only reason why assholes seem to get the women is because, as assholes, they hide the fact that they ARE assholes until AFTER they have gotten the woman into bed
B) selfish jerks are usually the only ones who will put themselves out there and make it damn obvious that they want to get you into bed, thus when a women is looking for casual sex, selfish jerks are a sure thing and you dont have to worry about hurting a really nice guy that you actually like since all you want is a fairly short term arrangement.
At 21:44,
Anonymous said…
(i ran out of room)
C) quite honestly, how many selfish jerks and assholes do you actually know in serious, longterm, loving and healthy relationships? The nice guy may finish last, but he also is the one that ends up with the nice girl who will worship the ground he walks on, bring him his slippers, father his children and cook his dinner. The assholes and selfish jerks are doomed to be forever walking the earth pretty much alone having unemotional, empty casual sex with women who are actually only using them for a casual shag while she waits to meet the afore mentioned wonderful "nice guy".
At 21:56,
Anonymous said…
and who said optimism was dead? i guess i just hoped it was...
At 23:54,
Anonymous said…
Welcome to life!!
At 00:45,
Anonymous said…
And to the anonymous poster with the A, B, and C points...
At which point in your thesis does the NICE guy get to go out and have random casual sex with hot girls?
Or does he, being a nice guy, just sit around waiting until he's hit his mid-thirties and the girl who's going to end up worshipping the ground he walks on is tired of constantly getting laid by selfish jerks and decides it's his time to settle down with her?
Sounds to me like the nice guy doesn't finish at all. Unless it's an end via suicide after watching every girl he knows and likes get regularly fucked by 'sure thing' jerks and assholes, and seeing all his jerk and asshole friends regularly have a far better time than he is.
At 01:55,
Charlii Fandango said…
I think arseholes eventually turn into nice guys. Hence, the arsehole that you shag because they are an arsehole, is also the nice guy another chick won't shag because she likes him too much.
Women do not randomly shag the guy they "like" cause they are mortally afraid of getting hurt - after all the heart is very delicate and can only be ripped apart so many times.
So next time you use the "fancy a shag" line just remember you may not be being rejected because she doesn't like you, she may be rejecting you because she does!
At 01:58,
Charlii Fandango said…
Brettski, guys suck just as much as girls probably explains why same sex relationships are prolific .
We're incapable of understanding the opposite sex even after reading "men are from mars, women are from venus!"
At 00:05,
Anonymous said…
So what I'm getting out of this entire argument is that girls and guys who like one another won't sleep together because they prefer jerks who won't hurt them.
I grieve for the human race, I really do.
And hmm... assholes can become nice guys, you say?
Still leaves the nice guy sitting around without any action, by the look of it. Come on, male half of the species... time to -all- be complete and utter jerks and assholes so that we can all sleep with whoever we like!
At 23:52,
Anonymous said…
Arithon - Post a new fucking topic, before I commit Seppuku.
At 09:31,
Anonymous said…
Oooh, please, wait until AFTER he's killed himself horribly.
Just for the irony of it. And 'cause it'll be funny.
At 05:13,
Anonymous said…
Time to update this Seanie!
Cos methinks you are in a WAY different state of mind nowadays ;)
At 23:13,
Arithon said…
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