Stuff 'n' Junk

Friday, September 23, 2005

Emotional Vultures

Today’s topic is ‘Emotional Vultures’.

You know those people who are absolutely awful in every way, terrible for you, your self esteem and your bank balance and god knows what else… and with whom you would be perfectly capable of dispatching with all haste when you are in a confident and strong frame of mind, but who always seem to come around when you are feeling weak and vulnerable, and somehow push themselves into your life and make you feel weaker so you can’t seem to get rid of them… ack I’m tripping on my words here, but FUCK!
I seem to be surrounded by them and my theory is to just COMPLETELY IGNORE THEM, because I’m probably not really strong enough at the moment to just TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF.
Or maybe… hey WAIT A MINUTE! Aren’t you…?
*sound of Sponging*


  • At 20:19, Blogger Charlii Fandango said…

    I prefer the term "Emotional Vampires" as they slowly suck the life out of you!

    I agree ignoring them is much better as most of the time telling them to Fuck off usually falls on deaf ears and they laugh it off putting it down to your sense of humour.

  • At 16:38, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think I'm an emotional / psychic vampire thing. But in a different new agey sense. Not in an ignore me / tell me to fuck off sense.


    Wooooooooooo this blog is finally Pablo friendly yeeehaw!

    I'd go backand post on all the things that I actually WANTED to comment on... but I'm lazy.

  • At 00:51, Blogger Arithon said…

    ...but you ARE LAZY, right?

  • At 01:19, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ... I was going to write a witty reply but I'm too lazy.

  • At 05:11, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ahhh laziness at it's finest :)

  • At 07:08, Blogger Arithon said…

    oooohhhh... if it's supposed to be a possessive, it's just "i t s"... but if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's "i t 'apostrophe' s"... scallawag!


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