Stuff 'n' Junk

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Better and Worse

So I've been going through this (fucking) Devin Townsend/Strapping Young Lad phase lately, and it's showing in my lyrics, some might say in a scary kind of way.

Anyway I thought that a little 'introduction' might be in order... so now (if you will), put on ALIEN, turn it (all the fucking way) up, and read these (fucking) lyrics (man) - the music should set the tone I was feeling when I wrote this...

(We be pirates...)

Better and Worse

I want to be the one to make you laugh
I want to be the one to make you cry
I want to be the one to make it better
I want to be there to help when the kittens die
I want to be the one to make you complete
and spend forever together hand and feet
just the two of us
better and worse
I want to be the one to make you happy
I want to be the one to make you sad
I want to be the one to shout insults in public
I want to be the one to make you so fucking mad
I want to be the one who makes you laugh
I want to be the one who makes you cry
I want to be the one who makes you angry
And makes you tell all of your little fucking lies
I want you to be the one I call my wife
I want to be the one who wrecks your life
I’ll become the one you can’t bear leave
And then I’ll tear you down to size!

And I
I want to fuck you up!
I want to make you beg
For me to stop
but I'll never stop!
Not until we make up
And I say sweet words
That make you feel ok
They’re just words
They don’t mean anything
And inside you’ll know
It’s not ok
And it never will be
But I won’t ever leave
I won’t leave you alone
You’re mine


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