Stuff 'n' Junk

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Cute girls and their effect upon the normally rational brain

I dunno if any of you have experienced what I experience when talking to a girl I really like but hardly know, but I had a conversation yesterday which made me think my brain is out to sabotage any chance I might have of appearing charming.

See, there's this girl at work who's really nice. From what I've seen of her, she's just one of the happiest and sweetest people I've met. Whenever I talk to her she makes me feel happy. It's uplifting to talk to someone like that.

But see, I thought I'd like to actually get to know her, because it interests me to know how someone can be so chirpy and nice, even when under pressure from irritating customers.

So here's what happened...

I hadn't seen her for a few weeks, and she was finally at work again.
I'd had a big night out, and curiously enough I had woken up still feeling drunk. I'd had to drag myself to work and didn't even have time to stop and fill up on fatty breakfast material from a certain creepy clown's food establishment.

So as you might understand, I wasn't entirely at my best, so to speak.

I found out this girl was at work, so I made a really lame excuse to go say hi.
Here's how the conversation panned out.

Me: Hey! *smile*
Cute Girl At Work: Hey! *big smile*
Me: How are you? *bigger smile*
CGAW: Good! How are you? *big smile still*
Me: Drunk... *embarrassed look*

*awkward silence*

*customer comes and CGAW serves*

*Me stands awkwardly for a little longer and then walks off*


So I've come to realise what happens in these situations.

See, my brain, usually working at a reasonable type of rate - not especially fast but fast enough that I can fool most people into thinking I'm normal - upon proximity of someone I'd really like to impress, suddenly switches off.
Then, when the moment comes where I need to find something to say other than meaningless pleasantries, I ask my brain for something, and it just blips, randomly switches on and throws out something terrible, like, for example: "Tell her how you like to shoot monkeys!"

And so I say: I like to shoot monkeys!

Which results in a response along the lines of "What?! That's TERRIBLE!!! Monkeys are so cute!"

So I turn to my brain and say "What the hell?! Why did you tell me to say that?!"
To which my brain, switched back on now that the moment is lost, replies "I dunno... She's cute."


Is there no hope? Will I forever remain an idiot in the eyes of the people I most wish to impress?

Moral of the story: Monkeys are cute.


note: Monkeys at the zoo make easy targets. Just wear a long coat to cover your rifle.


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