Thoughts about wants, needs, and alot of money I don't have...
It seems quite a challenge to really qualify for that status affectionately known as ‘having made it’.
The everyday cost of living makes it almost impossible to actually SAVE for anything, unless you never actually DO anything, GO anywhere, and also happen to have a fairly high paying job.
I know that I am a little too careless with my money, and also that I’ve never really made all that much money, but I also think that things are just a bit too damn hard.
I want a house.
I want a nice car.
I want nice things.
I want a bigger wardrobe.
And this is nothing but a list of wants, but there are also things I need, and there seems barely enough money to actually acquire them.
This is annoying.
Now I’m just whining. But my point is this; how do we ever get it together enough that we can have everything we need, most of the things we want, and enough cash in the bank to not stress about emergencies?
I say we steal.
Erm… I hope no one knows that this is me talking… er… this was.. uhh… Jim… and… umm… Bill… talking…
The everyday cost of living makes it almost impossible to actually SAVE for anything, unless you never actually DO anything, GO anywhere, and also happen to have a fairly high paying job.
I know that I am a little too careless with my money, and also that I’ve never really made all that much money, but I also think that things are just a bit too damn hard.
I want a house.
I want a nice car.
I want nice things.
I want a bigger wardrobe.
And this is nothing but a list of wants, but there are also things I need, and there seems barely enough money to actually acquire them.
This is annoying.
Now I’m just whining. But my point is this; how do we ever get it together enough that we can have everything we need, most of the things we want, and enough cash in the bank to not stress about emergencies?
I say we steal.
Erm… I hope no one knows that this is me talking… er… this was.. uhh… Jim… and… umm… Bill… talking…
At 06:40,
blank slate said…
Meh. I think most of us got it covered.
Not convinced? Then Read this:
PG is Right.
Still not convinced? Then read this:
KimB: Plans to wait until her parents die then take THEIR nice house, car and cash. This is one of the best plans you will encounter. Bitch.
Pablo: Plans to smoke himself to death before the age of 35. No seriously he has like the wooden hut and coals and all. I get to eat him. MMMMMM smoke cured Pablo.
Brettski: Apart from the cash he blows on hookers probably has saved up a nice little nest egg
Manman: Already has the nice car, job and most likely some level of financial security. Probably a very low level but a level none the less
PG: On completion of degree (ETA July next year) will enter the defence force and covertly make numerous military contacts to facilitate his African Tribal Rebels With Nuclear Capabilities (ATRWNC) plan. Once Africa is conquered the rest of the world will fall like dominoes. (As demonstrated by numerous games of RISK.) Once I have achieved global domination all countries will be assimilated, except Australia, which will continue to dominate international sport despite being pitched against the literal rest of the world, New Zealand which will be kept for shits and giggles and the Pacific Islands which should be sunk by global warming anyway. And if their not fucking sunk I’ll sink the fuckers myself.
Finally this will allow the instalment of a communist-based society, circumventing any need for SirShorn to worry about money….provided he has survived the genocide.
So their you go, m’lad future’s looking bright
PG Out
At 05:34,
Pablo said…
Whoa whoa whoa...
I want to at least hit my midlife crisis before I smoke myself to death.
Though death would be one hell of a midlife crisis to overcome. I don't think it comes with a sports car though...
At 07:27,
Anonymous said…
Stop calling my escorts 'hookers'!
At 18:51,
Lil Kim said…
I'd like to escort THAT hooker!
oh god it's getting worse...
make it stop...
At 19:51,
Arithon said…
THANKS for clearing all that up for me PG!
I was really worried there for a second!
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