Fear and Loathing in the Desert Capital
I dunno if Adelaide is really any kind of desert OR much of a capital, but hey, it sounded cool.
I've had just about enough of living a 'normal' life. Working for... er.. the place I work... is getting me down, big time.
I arrive, i sit and do my parrot act, then several hours later I go home.
I never have enough money to save a cent, let alone BUY anything.
It's fucking tragic, really. Haha I nearly edited that fuck out but I realised - I CAN SAY WHATEVER I WANT!!
So I wanna start a job where I have an assload of fun, and somebody pays me for it.
I want someone to pay me for this, but I dunno if enough people actually READ blogs. Hell, most people I KNOW don't read my damn blog.
Let's ignore, for now, the idea that I never update it - I'm updatin' it now!
But man, this supermarket life is getting me freakin' down. The sun comes up, the bus arrives (late), the clock strikes 9, my lunch is over before I'm even hungry, I go home, I do some dishes, I go to bed, the sun comes up...
I really had my hopes up about a job the last couple of weeks and it seems it's fallen through... and I'm starting to realise I'm not going anywhere without a huge amount of luck, or failing that, some back breaking.
I think it's about time I started doing it myself. Make myself a job with the skizillz.
So if you wanna pay me to rag on someone, or bitch about something - post a comment.
I'll definitely reply.
I've had just about enough of living a 'normal' life. Working for... er.. the place I work... is getting me down, big time.
I arrive, i sit and do my parrot act, then several hours later I go home.
I never have enough money to save a cent, let alone BUY anything.
It's fucking tragic, really. Haha I nearly edited that fuck out but I realised - I CAN SAY WHATEVER I WANT!!
So I wanna start a job where I have an assload of fun, and somebody pays me for it.
I want someone to pay me for this, but I dunno if enough people actually READ blogs. Hell, most people I KNOW don't read my damn blog.
Let's ignore, for now, the idea that I never update it - I'm updatin' it now!
But man, this supermarket life is getting me freakin' down. The sun comes up, the bus arrives (late), the clock strikes 9, my lunch is over before I'm even hungry, I go home, I do some dishes, I go to bed, the sun comes up...
I really had my hopes up about a job the last couple of weeks and it seems it's fallen through... and I'm starting to realise I'm not going anywhere without a huge amount of luck, or failing that, some back breaking.
I think it's about time I started doing it myself. Make myself a job with the skizillz.
So if you wanna pay me to rag on someone, or bitch about something - post a comment.
I'll definitely reply.
At 15:03,
KimB said…
Yeah, most jobs suck balls. Jobs that are about selling something or other suck even more balls.
I like my job cos I don't actually have to get new people to come in. I say 'this is how it is, you decide. No, you can't come in tomorrow, we actually aren't scrounging for clients' :D Well, not that exactly but you get the point.
Yesterday I stood and drank a cappuchino while the other person stuffed a few letters in envelopes and the podiatrist played Spider Solitaire on the computer cos there was nothing else to do at the time.
Keep looking or making plans for a good job. You'll find it eventually!
If you feel down, just look at this: http://babyanimalz.com/images/frogkitten6av8py.jpg
At 19:24,
Anonymous said…
tee hee that's cute.
thanks :)
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