Stuff 'n' Junk

Monday, September 18, 2006

All your friends like heavy metal? All your friends are MORONS!

I found it interesting (and endlessly amusing) this morning when I noticed someone on my msn list with the nickname "MAIDEN ARE STILL GOD!" I thought to myself "See, people that still like Iron Maiden can't even spell 'good' properly."

I guess all that beer and shitty music just wrecks the brain, huh?

Anywho I've had these lyrics in my head for a couple of days now and I figured I wanted to post them.

Reminds me of how my life used to be. Great thing about that being that it isn't anymore.

Isn't it amazing how things work out? I mean, you think to yourself at the time of overwhelming crisis "I can't cope with this. My life is ruined." and such things, and a year down the track, you couldn't see how you could ever have been as happy as you are if all that awful shit hadn't happened.

Anywho. Broken record mode this morning. I'm sure this is the same old tune I always sing. On to the lyrics!



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